Daily Local, 6/18/2022- LETTER: Gun reform starts with electing the right people

By Erin Buchner

In the wake of the horrific mass shootings in Uvalde and Buffalo communities across Chester County and America have been calling on our lawmakers at every level to make gun safety a priority.

As the mother of a rising high schooler, I’m concerned about the epidemic of gun violence in America and the impact that it’s having on our children and our communities.  Congresswoman Chrissy Houlahan, a mom, teacher and veteran, gets it.

Protecting our communities from gun violence requires a representative that will take action on common-sense policies that are proven to save lives. As our elected representative, Congresswoman Houlahan has not only voted for such measures but she has also worked to hear and to understand the positions of her constituents, and carries them with her to DC.

A quick search of Guy Ciarrocchi’s website mentions “common sense” but nothing about his position on gun safety.  If, in the wake of the Uvalde and Buffalo, a candidate can’t find the words to articulate his position on an issue with such broad support,  how can we expect him to articulate it as our elected representative in DC?

When we vote in November, we’re not just filling a seat.  We’re voting for someone who will be our voice.   If a candidate can’t find the words to speak about important issues right here in Chester County, how can we trust they’ll speak for us in DC on this matter, or any other?

Campaign Staff